HELLO YOU GLORIOUS WOMAN!!!! The Substack world is very lucky to have you. Can't wait to soak up all your words xxx

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You are a sponsor for my writing Emma, and i can't tell you how much it truly means xxx

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Great to see you here Abigail, and what wonderful advice. You and Megan have given me the courage that I too have “something to say”. Can’t wait to read more x

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Thank you so much, Rosie. That is wonderful to hear. I'm excited to grow a community so we can all be supporting one another xx

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Abigail Bergstrom

Every reason you described was a reason I talked myself out of launching a Substack. But that's why I decided to finally be 'brazen" enough to do what I feared (and why I called my publication Brazenface). So excited to follow along and support your writing here. It's got a ton of momentum already.

(I'm also mid-way through The Artist's Way, so I am here for your Cameron references)

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it's nice to know it's not just me! Brazenface is a brilliant name xx

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Congratulations on launching your Substack. My knees were definitely knocking when I started mine but it feels good to be here.

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Ah thank you for the welcome! It's great to be here and meeting like-minded individuals. Love that you're inspiring 'creative confidence', that's such a stunning mission.

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ah that's very kind - thank you so much! And good luck with yours. GO FOR IT.

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so happy you're here love! I'm new and you're making it feel a little more like home. SUBSCRIBED obvs xx

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Fantastic to find you here! Your writing and this list resonates hugely. I have a Substack account ready to go and am fiddling around with everything else but...

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haha, yes it's so hard to take that step, isn't it. But you will... one foot in front of the next and suddenly you realise you've been enjoying yourself the whole time. So pleased this piece resonated with you though! please do share it xx

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Well, I think your ten reasons are my ten reasons but here I am on the day of publishing my About page, now raring to go on writing my first post. Thanks so much for the kick up the arse I needed.

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Thank you so much for this list Abigail! I am now thinking about starting my own substack and this piece made me inspire to write my own fears out. And I love your substack, so I'm glad you forwent with launching it despite your fears💕

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Thank you for this! Exactly the motivation I need to find confidence in my voice and fearlessly pursue my dream of writing. 💕

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